Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. In this video, we have moved to the other side of the established pile and are now lengthening our Teet out. Forcing to water is getting less but she’s showing issues of No Going into the water. Defiance is her forte’. We will...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. This video shows us sitting Teet on the point she’s already ran off of to establish the back pile while we walk to the other point to give her the cast to establish a new starting point when she returns. This method pups usually...
Teet, owned by Mitch Hughes. Today is Teet’s 2nd day of forcing to water using sight pile. We are forcing from the other direction to what will be our back pile of the Water T. This method of forcing to water and establishing water T is great for a lot of pups...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. This week we start forcing to water and establishing the back pile of our water T. There are many methods to teach casting on water and to teach our pups to tread. This way of forcing pups to water TRT likes a lot because a lot of factors...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Day 5 of Water T work, Dinji is showing some super great signs of understanding and not having any issues with driving to our established back pile. We even check him with a reverse cast from the side during this session and with a small...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Dinji is coming along quite nicely. Understanding the force to water with a great work attitude.