Dinji – Day 17 of Land T – Still Stretching Out

Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Dinji is almost to the back of the land T. However, we still are making certain our pup is stopping well and adhering to all casts. Getting much better at initial lines and looking downrange to the back pile.

Dinji – Day 14 of Land T

Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Still increasing the yardage to the back pile and making sure our pup is comfortable and taking the casts well at longer yardages. If issues arise we will move up and simplify.

Dinji – Day 13 Of Land T – Stretching Out

Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Dinji is making great strides in the Land T and we are being very careful to make sure we don’t push too fast and that our pup is extremely comfortable at the yardage before moving back slowly. This is not a race and no time frame...