Atta, owned by Max Sharp. This video shows an upper level season/senior dog training a lower level Finish/Master setup with a strong blind. Dogs at the break between levels always need to be pushed to excel but we always want to work towards success.
Gunner, owned by Chad Jean. Here we teach a season level setup designed to help the dog learn to fight factors when running marks. Cover and terrain changes push and pull dogs. Bird placement is key to teaching dogs to fight those factors.
Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. This training setup incorporates 3 marks and double blinds. The 3 marks are thrown so that bird placement effects each other and as well dogs traverse the cover to get to the marks. The blinds are stacked to show our dogs two...
Mallie owned by Jason Haddix. This video shows how to start your pup off on Pattern blinds after completing swimby. We want to build trust with our dog and make sure they are being a team member. This is the second session on her first Pattern Blind. Make sure to...
Kevin, owned by Bob Dalager. This video shows a land setup and how to train a season dog to fight the factors of blinds with suction from marks and as well teaching Season/Senior level dogs to mark in heavier cover with terrain and cover changes.
Atta, owned by Max Sharp, working on double shoreline blind concept. This training is more of a drill in The Retriever Trainer’s opinion. It teaches the younger dogs concepts about staying wet, casting away from the bank and as well to fighting suction to get...