Ayza, owned by Freddy King. Here we are testing Ayza to see if she’s ready for Season or Senior level tests. We are doing the marking portion of the test to check out her abilities. Thru it we can tell that Ayza needs to be worked with hides more, have more...
Jax, owned by Josh Jones. When dogs are lacking memory confidence a good marking drill is to shoot your memory bird as a single. Then wait 2 or 3 dogs and shoot it as your memory bird and pick up the marks. It’s simple and effective for helping dogs with memory...
Gunner owned by Chad Jeane, This setup shows how to deal with “No Go’s” and teaches a tight concept of marks with a blind past old falls. This setup is for upper level season/senior dogs progressing towards finish or master level work. Here we teach...
Kevin, owned by Bob Dalager. This video shows a concept setup for Season or Senior level dogs progressing towards the finish or master levels. We are wanting to challenge our dogs blind running and marking abilities. This setup shows a great way to help them battle...
Gunner owned by Chad Jean. This blind concept is for season/season level dogs stepping up to season and senior level work. Blinds like this will teach more concepts in a single session than open water or field pattern work.
Kevin owned by Bob Dalager. This setup shows somewhat how to decheat a dog on cheating singles. Then handling aspect of a blind after marks. This is a straight up finished level setup.