Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Here we learn the importance of socialization to other dogs, people and acclimation to environments. It is extremely important to take our pups everywhere we can and acclimate them to tons of environments and socialize them to people as...
Knox, owned by Shanna and & Hunter Forbes. As our puppies get older and advance in training, it’s time to move them to the field and teach them longer and a little more difficult marks. However, we still do not want to over-challenge our pups. Take it slow,...
Chris Akin, Owner of Webb Footed Kennel, walks us through the importance of building a strong puppy foundation through proper socialization and acclimation to environments. It’s imperative we start them young and have nothing but good experiences from 7 weeks to...
Knox, owned by Shana & Hunter Forbes. Here we start stretching our pups in longer water marks. Plus, working on the hold as pups exit the water. Lots of dogs after force fetch have to have the hold command reinforced as they exit the water. This video will help...
Knox, owned by Shana & Hunter Forbes. Here we are shown how a puppy is forced to pile thru a soft force. We use play and e-collar to gain forward movement to the pile and a puppy that loves to work.
Knox, owned by Shana and Hunter Forbes. Acclimating puppies to decoys is usually done pretty easily. Follow this simple video to easily get your pup used to retrieving around field decoys.