Haylie, owned By Rhyan Stepp. This video shows how tempo and upbeat attitude can help some dogs during Force Fetch. Working collar pressure into a pickup off the table.
Haylie owned by Rhyan Stepp. This video shows one method of introduction of the word Fetch. There are many methods of force fetch. But most will introduce the word Fetch after the pup is escaping ear pressure by reaching for the retrieving tool.
Yella Atta owned by Glenda Naegar. This is Atta’s second day on the table after initial day of toe Pinch. Softened the ears to be able to go back to ear pinch. Atta is moving along but it’s all about being positive with everything while on the table.
In this video, Tank starts learning and running pattern blinds. Pattern blinds are how we get great straight lines out of our dogs on blinds and even help alot on marks. This is how I teach the dogs I train pattern blinds. Very simple concept and easy for your dog to...
In this video, Tank will start running cold blinds. Cold blinds are essentially blinds that your dog has never run whether they be on land or water. This is the way that I like to start cold blinds. There are numerous other ways and directions to go but for me and my...
We are now on our way to having a dog that is a handling machine. Tank’s training has progressed extremely quick and he’s learned alot in the past 5 months. The reverse T or swimby as we are now learning is the finish of our water T drills. Now to move to...