Knox, owned by Shana & Hunter Forbes. This video shows a young puppy starting left and right backs to pile. Because we’ve followed The Schematic we have a young dog that understands casting left and right backs.
Yella Atta owned by Glenda Naegar. This video shows exactly why we were casting to place and collar conditioning to place while force fetching. Our dogs understand completely as we progress through each step.
Yella Atta owned by Glennda Naegar. Some dogs have real issues with force Fetch like hard mouth and a tendency to not open their mouth. These dogs require different approach toward the actual force Fetch. Here we have a hard mouth dog that will not open her mouth on...
Thor, owned by Derek Hakman. Thor has come off the table and we’ve made sure his hold is good and that he will hold larger bumpers as well. Now it’s time to graduate to walking fetch. Thor is a very vocal dog. He’s very skittish and vocal to the...
Yella Atta, owned by Glennda Naegar. Transition from table to ground. Making sure we have a good hold. Working thru the mechanics and conditioning to here/heel with bumper. As well as Place Casting during the same session.
Thor owned by Derek Hakman. Before we move to Force Fetch we want to make sure our pup understand the command Fetch with a single bumper. We will graduate to larger bumpers so make sure there are no issues with the new retrieving tool as well.