Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. As an 8 week old puppy, Teet and several of her siblings get introduced to water. This method is very simple and eases the pup into getting used to running and playing in the the water.
Gunner, owned by Chad Jeane. Season/Senior level dogs are starting to see strong concepts of inline and driving past old falls at respective yardages. This video shows a solid Season/Senior level dog learning the concepts of driving past old falls on land to hit the...
What to Look For. There are tons of different ways to pick a pup for oneself. The most important thing is to consider proven lines of pups with strong title proven backgrounds. Then, decide if you want a pup with a lot of crazy hard drive or somewhere down the middle...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Here we learn the importance of socialization to other dogs, people and acclimation to environments. It is extremely important to take our pups everywhere we can and acclimate them to tons of environments and socialize them to people as...
Thor, Owned by Derek Hakman. This video shows a dog that is progressing well in walking force fetch. Dogs that move quickly and easily thru force fetch we can forego the stick force part of the walking fetch. But, you must make sure your dog truly understands what the...
Haylie, owned by Rhyan Stepp. Some dogs have issues that we don’t need to fight thru. Most of the time it’s older dogs that have bad habits that need to be cleaned up. It’s better to soft force fetch these dogs and then come back later and force the...