Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. The Offline Y Marking Drill is a super drill to enhance spot marking ability. We will use this setup a ton in training setups to get our pups to locking in on a spot and running directly to that spot. We don’t want our pups to area...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Dinji is now fully into Transition portion of training and we are working to advancing our pups abilities. Ever increasing marking and blind difficulty and even running the marks before the blind but still incorporating the One for One...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. In this video we are teaching Dinji to mark in the woodline as well as past the woodline with a blind down the woodline. Woodlines are barriers to pups so training marking and blind running in such areas is a must. We often find ourselves...
Training setups must challenge our pups daily. Yet, we never want to setup marks or blinds well above our pups level. Teach each mark separately before running the blind and always make sure to end with success. Repeating marks if bird boy has to help or simplifying...
Atta & Cash, owned by Max Sharp and Cody Custer. In this video, two dogs are honoring each other during a marking session. This teaches pups that they must watch other pups work, be very quite and as well not interrupt the other working dog. Slowly teaching our...
hief and Ayza, owned by Freddy King and Tiffany King. This video shows to advanced retrievers working together on the line. Honoring is a must for our pups. Teaching the concept of honoring to our pups is as easy as following simple steps. Start with them on tie out...