Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. Working towards advanced training setups, Dinji is doing great in training. Ever increasing difficulty of marks as well blind concepts within a setup. Yet we are still making sure that success is always occurring when cast by name. Well...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. The Offline Y Marking Drill is a super drill to enhance spot marking ability. We will use this setup a ton in training setups to get our pups to locking in on a spot and running directly to that spot. We don’t want our pups to area...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Teet is now fully into Transition portion of training and we are working to advancing our pups abilities. Ever increasing marking and blind difficulty and even running the marks before the blind but still incorporating the One for One...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Fully now into the Transition portion of our Training Schematic we are applying all the concepts we’ve learned on our Pattern Blind Field to our daily setups. Still simplifying anytime issues arise and always praise for a job well...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Part 2 – In this video, we are getting much more challenging with our marks and blind setups with Teet. The One for One Drill will be a major part of training for Teet for quite some time. Ever increasing straighter lines and...
Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. Part 1 – In this video, we are getting much more challenging with our marks and blind setups with Teet. The One for One Drill will be a major part of training for Teet for quite some time. Ever increasing straighter lines and...