Teet, owned by Randy Hawkins. This video shows Teet clearly working on advanced marking concepts and as well running strong finish/master level blinds with a decent amount of confidence. From this moment on Teet’s training will contain marking concepts with one...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. This video clearly shows Dinji advancing well with cheating singles and understanding how to attack the lines to marks. After a week and a half of cheating singles stretched out with variables our pups are starting to understand how to...
Dinji, owned by Mitch Hughes. In this video we clearly see Dinji understanding how to attack the line and not be pushed out by the decoys in the water. Teet, Dinji’s sister, had just ran this setup and completely tried to avoid the line by pushing away from the...
Teet and Dinji have slowly both moved away from the One for One drill and we are now only running the cold blind again if lines are not as straight or casts were not well taken. We will slowly build our pups into working towards advanced training yet always staying...
Teet & Dinji working on cheating singles. When running cheating singles we are decheating but more importantly we are teaching our pups to attack the line to the mark. Of course, getting wet is the first directive but still yet we are teaching the line. Not...