Teet’s Life is a never ending progression of training from week 62 on. Here we’re working on a simple cheating single with a big blind up the middle of the slough. Anytime I’m working on cheating or de-cheating I will throw singles. I don’t...
Teet’s Life from week 62 on is a continuance in training and commonly revisiting same concepts except in new areas. This is a hidden mark setup with an under the arc mark.
This is a White Coat setup that all dogs will see from Season/Senior and above. Later in training they will again see parts of these marks in a larger tougher setup and throws coming from different directions. This is a White Coat setup geared to stretch our pups back...
Hunt tests and hunting can and will create a habit of hunting short. It’s important that after hunting season and several hunt tests to stretch our pups back out. White Coat setups and use of stickmen is a great way to get our pups locking back on marks and...
Drive Away Marks and breaking birds is a great way to ready your pup for HRC or AKC hunt tests. It builds memory, enhances spot marking and as well the breaking birds make sure our pups are steady while a lot of things are going on in front of them.
Secondary Selection is a great tool to teach our pups as it becomes necessary to pick up some birds out of order or out of what would be customary order at a hunt test. Reasons can be because judges dictate so or to perhaps to keep from eroding memory on a bird that...