As Teet’s Life and Teet’s training continues we are going back to old concepts yet in new areas with new typography and water. Always challenging our pup within their abilities yet expanding those concepts to bigger marks, drills and blinds. Always...
Teet has been training extremely well and her depth has grown. But with that comes a tendency to drive past old falls. So check-down marks such as in this video help a ton to keep our pups in check and not driving over or past short memory birds.
Week 62 on is a continuance in training in different areas seeing the same marking concepts yet in deeper tougher cover and different cover changes to those marks. In this video we are working on deeper cover marks as singles with Teet. Teaching her to keep her hunt...
Always challenging Teet and always gaining in knowledge yet going back to the same already learned concepts yet in new areas stretching them out or adding cover changes that can challenge a pup’s line to the mark or blind.
Week 62 on is a continuance in training of Teet. We commonly go back to cheating singles such as seen here. Great way to keep confidence up in cheating situations is running them as singles.
Teet’s training is a never ending progression in training of her abilities. Week 62 on of Teet’s Life we’ll revisit concepts and always dealing with line issues and going back over obedience. Today we’re throwing a double double for Teet. Short...