Thief, owned by Freddy King, running a water finish test at Union City, TN. which was put on by West Tennessee HRC. This test shows the basic mechanics of a water finish test which has an inline blind to a go bird.
Thief, owned by Freddy King. This is a land finish test which utilizes a hay bale field with lots of variables. This test truly tests marking and blind running capabilities of pups.
Slick Trix Stolen Thunder – AKA Thief, owned by Freddy King, running a blind during the second series of the 2017 Spring Grand. This video shows a blind setup one might see at the HRC Grand.
Slick Trix Stolen Thunder – AKA Thief, owned by Freddy King, running the marks during the 2017 Spring Grand. This video shows a setup one might see at the grand.