Now that our dogs have learned left and right back to the center pile of bumpers, it’s time to start teaching the over piles. This is the simplest method I’ve found for teaching overs. If you started your dog exactly as I have in the previous vids then...
In this episode, our dogs have been taught where the back pile is and are running a straight line to that pile. Now it’s time to go back and teach the left and right backs. Our dogs already know left and right back because of us teaching them that with the...
Step by step training of “Tank”. Next step from walking fetch is to start forcing to a pile. This pile will also be our furthest back pile of bumpers on our “T” that we will designate in future videos. Remember to keep your Sport Dog Collar on...
Tank is showing great daily progress. We’ve finished the walking hold and getting him to pick up a bumper off the ground by commanding “Fetch”. Now it’s time to start the walking fetch drill. This is all pre-T Drill.
We are now moving Tank from the force fetch table to the ground. If all our work has been thorough then we shouldn’t have any problems with this transition. It’s a major step.
Freddy King takes us further into force fetching our retriever. The videos are posted in order from Vid 1 to the last number so that anyone can train their duck hunting retriever to hunt. Follow these steps exactly and you will end up with the retriever you’ve...