Max, owned by Mike Slack. Max is moving thru force fetch with 2 to 3 sessions a day of force fetch. This session we will introduce a tool to hold after we make sure we have a decent hold with the glove. Depending on how much issues we have with the introduction of the...
Max, owned by Mike Slack. This video shows a young pup being introduced to the glove in the mouth for the very first time. Things can get hairy but this is why we want our pups to be very limited in ability to move around. Keep sessions short and very very simple with...
Max, owned by Mike Slack. This video shows a young dog getting introduced to the table and getting ready for the glove in the mouth routine. Force Fetch is nothing to be scared of doing yourself. It’s understanding what we want out of a session and how to get...
Haylie, owned by Rhyan Stepp. After about the 5th or 6th session of forcing to pile our pup should really start understanding what the correct line to the pile and as well we’ve switched to using the word “Back” when sending our pup to the back pile....
Haylie, owned by Rhyan Stepp. This is this pups first day of forcing to pile to set up our baseball drill and Land T. We use the Ladder To Pile method in this video. The Retriever Trainer finds this method the easiest and keeps shopping for bumpers down to a...
Yella Atta, owned by Glennda Naegar. Here we have a dog that is having a few issues understand the force to pile. We make sure to keep in one place and simplify to make sure before moving further back or to other casting that the pup fully understands this portion....