Otis – Crows Foot Setup (2 Singles & Repeated Blind)

Otis, owned by Ben Webster. This setup I firmly believe is a must 2 or 3 times a must. Called the Crow’s Foot, this setup entices dogs back to old falls when casted on blinds. Dog’s learn to take the cast and drive back and fight off the want to go back to...

Atta – Concept Single & Long Blind

Atta, owned by Max Sharp. This video shows a single mark and blind concept that we want to teach our advanced dogs. This setup with the wind direction is geared to teach dogs to keep trusting where they saw the bird fall and as well fight suction from an old fall when...

Laynie – Long Entry Cheating Single With Blind

Laynie, owned by Chris Hamm. Here we learn how to correct a dog on cheating singles. Correction must be done correctly so the dog understands where to get in the water and why they are getting pressure.

Harry – Thru Old Fall Marks & Blind

Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. Here we teach our pup to run thru old falls and continue on to the intended mark. This marking concept will teach dogs to fight the urge to hunt old falls and to not slow down because of drag back. Pups will learn to trust their...