Dee, owned by Coby Pearce. Marks and blinds do not have to be in multiples to challenge our pups. This video shows a single mark and blind concept which for a pup with leaning on the gunner issues has trouble with. Here we learn how to correct such an issue with light...
Jax, owned by Josh Jones. This video shows a marking drill/concept to teach our pups to check down and the differences in those marks. Also, we will run a big blind up the middle for those dogs capable of such a blind. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly all rolled up in...
Atta, owned by Max Sharp owner of Old School Outdoors. This video shows the issues we may have on some marks and how to correctly address those issues. A young dog running Finish/Master level marks as doubles. Training can be ugly at times and we must always remember...
Atta, owned by Max Sharp. Here we have a young dog running Master Finish level marks and blinds teaching the concepts of check down marks. Shot & Long marks switched during the setup. We must keep our pups in check by throwing short memory birds or they get in...
Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. This is an upper end finished/master level setup designed to teach dogs to mark splash marks and fight suction to go back to old falls on blinds. Keep in mind wind direction and blind placement when setting this training scenario up....
Dee, owned by Coby Pearce. This video shows a mid level Finish/Master setup that has tons of suction back towards the old falls on land for a blind. This setup is to build dog’s abilities to take casts in water away from old falls and suction back towards land....