This is just a training day. No actual other cameras were used. Just a normal setup the pups will see during a training session. Yet, we always make sure we teaching marking concepts with every setup. We as well teach a blind or two each setup and teach our pups to...
Dee, owned by Coby Pearce. This concept setup is for Master/Finish level pups. We are teaching to fight the factors of old falls and take our cast as given to a cold blind. We are also teaching our pups the concept of double singles underneath the arc of a short...
Otis, owned by Benjamin Webster, owner of Big Kansas Outdoors. The “Turn it Off Drill” is for mid to upper level finished and master level dogs. Do not attempt this drill until our pups have completed and can run fluently the “White Pole Staggered...
Dee, owned by Coby Pearce. This setup shows one method of working our pups on Poison Bird concepts with dogs of Finish/Master level abilities. However, this setup can be made shorter with wider concepts and used on pups at season or senior level. Poison birds are a...
Atta, owned by Max Sharp of Old School Outdoors tv show. This is the “Repeating Go-Bird Marking Drill”. This drill teaches more advanced pups to fight the suction factors of old falls and as well gives our pups the clear picture of NOT GOING back to old...
Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. The Staggered Pole Blind Drill is a great way to teach your pup initial lines and casting away from areas they’ve already been or areas with a high degree of suction. As our pups get better at blinds we will incorporate...