Dana – Advanced 5 Point Drill

Dana, owned by Alan Anderson. This drill is demanding and requires that dogs be well into finish or master level. The Advanced 5 Point drill is a great initial lining and lining drill. Teaches dogs to hold straighter lines and fight all kinds of factors. Plus, it...

Cash – Start of Land & Water Cold Blinds

Cash, owned by Cody Custer. This video shows a pup that is just starting in the Transition stage of training. The very first cold sight blind with marks. This is how we will build a confident strong driving dog. Progressing in difficulty and losing the site blinds....

Malli – First Day of Land Wagon Wheel

Malli, owned by Jason Haddix. This video shows a dog’s first day on the wagon wheel drill. During the initial start of the wagon wheel drill we will use 90% attrition. Collar pressure Will be used to correct obedience and learn manners primarily. However, some...

Shoreline Wagon Wheel

Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. Shoreline Wagon Wheel is a super great drill to run with your dog to teach initial lines and as well casting. This drill will help you and your dog communicate with subtle gestures and commands in lining. Be sure to take your time and...

Jax – Extended Cheating Shoreline Wagon Wheel Drill

Jax, owned by Josh Jones. This drill teaches a dog to fight the want to get in the water too early because we’ve just came from a lot of forcing into the water and on/off point drills. Helps with longer initial lines as well. Attrition and very little collar...