Our pups have been well introduced to tons of noises and no issues have been seen. If issues have been seen then simplify those noises at distances and over time and sessions expose your pup to those noises positively. Most pups are well ready for boat rides and more...
Areas is free of Parvo and Disease. It is important that we try our best to get with local retriever clubs or others with dogs in training and let our pups sit, watch, smell and listen to all the going ons. Pups being staked out and watching such things learn a ton...
Parvo and Disease Free Areas and Grounds Still! Spanky is slowly being stretched out and asked to swim further and further yet we challenge him within what we feel are his abilities. Bird Boy and myself are on ready to make darn sure that Spanky is 100% successful and...
Our pups should be extremely comfortable around the house and have tons of confidence. Spanky and Ringo are both 13 weeks old and have spent tons of time swimming in the ponds and the pool is NO big deal to them. Careful eye is kept on them to make sure that all...
Parvo and Disease Free Grounds! This video shows our 13 week old pup watching other dogs train and because we’ve spent time with groups and staking our pups out while we do chores and other things, our pups aren’t barking and carrying on anymore and just...