Parvo and Disease Free Grounds Until Our Pup is 100% Vaccinated! Spanky has seen hundreds of Bird Boy marks and heard our bird boy holler hey hey hey and now we’re going to add gunfire in the field with that hey hey hey. It’s paramount that we introduce...
AS seen in this video, we are always working on manners around the house and the correct way our pup should act.
Parvo and Disease Free Grounds Till Pup is 100% Vaccinated! We are slowly over time and sessions adding a wee bit over cover yet still NOT OVER-CHALLENGING our pup. Success is paramount! However, we must slowly start adding a little height to the cover and teach our...
Parvo and Disease Free Grounds Until Pups are 100% Vaccinated! Crash and BURN! Not every session goes well. Things happen and we make the very best of it no matter what. We’ve got to insure success and keep it all POSITIVE no matter what. Emotions are NOT...
Parvo and Disease Free Grounds! We’re ever increasing our pup’s ability to mark and distance is a major part of marking that must be tackled. In this video, we’re using very clean and well mowed areas to stretch our pup out. Lane makes it easy for...