Grounds are Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pups are 100% Vaccinated! Our pups is getting close to being ready to start Tito’s Tales. NOT QUITE THERE YET! Spanky has been staked out and watching training, yard work and more. Spanky being staked out and watching...
Grounds are 100% Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pups are Fully Vaccinated! This camera shot is to show kind of Spanky’s view and how tough it is on them when we add cover. They can NOT see the fall area and must have trust built over time and sessions to keep...
Grounds are Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pups Are 100% Vaccinated! Almost ready for Tito’s Tales! Spanky is tackling all of our new setups quite well. Not everything goes 100% but we’re very careful to make sure that he’s 100% successful on every...
Grounds are Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pups are 100% Vaccinated! Spanky is clearly turning into a very nice pup with great line manners and attention at the line because of the way we’ve been training with bird boy marks almost daily. Here we’re...
Grounds are Parvo and Disease Free Until Pup is 100% Vaccinated! Spanky at 14 weeks old is being really stretched out on marks on both land and water as seen here. Bird Boy must be ready to help pup be successful and tons of water work done before ever attempting this...